My child is happy at school. | ||
Strongly Agree | Disagree | Don't know |
96% | 3% | 1% |
Happiness in school is key for every child. All children are different and some find school more challenging than others for differing reasons - this can be down to academic ability, confidence, personality, social skills, SEND needs, Greater Depth needs, mental health, friendships and so on. We aim to support all children to help them be happy in school and recognise we are all different. We focus on Routes to Resilience (building Character Muscles) to support 'the whole child'. Our PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) curriculum supports social skills, friendships and life lessons, We employ an ELSA, SEND Lead and Mental Health Lead, along with our Senior Management staff, to support with wellbeing and pastoral support. We do recognise that some children still find aspects of school difficult. If you feel there is more we can do to support your child, please contact their teacher to discuss ideas and we will try to support further where we can. | ||
My child feels safe at school. | ||
Strongly Agree | Disagree | Don't know |
97% | 2% | 2% |
Safety at school is key. We work hard to ensure children feel safe. We discuss safety in terms of the school itself such as the school fence, staff on duty at playtimes to monitor pupils, school rules and procedures to keep children safe, adults for children to talk to if they have any concerns and safe use of equipment and so on. We regularly have safety assemblies around how children can keep themselves safe (fire safety, canal safety, rail safety, internet safety etc) and we invite visitors in to speak to the children, such as the Fire service. We provide Year 6 First Aid training for all pupils, we discuss safety around Bonfire Night, animals strangers, water etc and we teach safety as part of our PSHE curriculum (stranger danger, bullying, esafety, alcohol, drugs, crime etc). We also hold annual pupil surveys to ask the children if they feel safe and we action any concerns raised. For example, we removed the fruit shack as some children said this was a 'hotspot' for children to hide behind possibly creating an unsafe area. We employ Mr Ram, our Sports Apprentice, on the ball court daily to monitor all games so they are played fairly and rules are followed. Again, if you feel there is more than we can do, please contact the school. | ||
The school makes sure its pupils are well behaved. | ||
Strongly Agree | Disagree | Don't know |
94% | 2% | 4% |
We work hard on behaviour. This involves all our staff and pupils - we discuss ways to support behaviour regularly with everyone. We react to situations we have been informed of quickly and ensure parents/carers are involved where appropriate. Behaviour is continually monitored across the school and actions are taken when needed. We meet as a staff to discuss how to support specific pupils, and to analyse pupils' needs. It may involve the use of behaviour charts, home school books, regular communication with parents, specific intervention, ELSA sessions, SEND support, greater challenge, friendship support, change to seating plans and so on. Overall, behaviour in lessons is outstanding at Glen Hills and we are very proud of this, but we recognise behaviour needs constant review and support. If you feel this is an area you'd like to discuss further, please get in touch. |
My child has been bullied and school dealt with any bullying quickly and effectively. | ||
Strongly Agree | Disagree | Don't know |
19% | 2% | 9% |
69% of those asked said their child had not been bullied. We aim to deal with any bullying quickly and effectively. We work hard to reduce any bulling that goes on at Glen Hills. Although we recognise we won't be able to stop it all, it's important we try to educate our pupils so they are aware it is not tolerated. Any reports of bullying are investigated and our Anti-Bullying Policy followed. Parents/carers would be contacted to also discuss the incident(s) to ensure everyone has a full picture of the event so we can act and support appropriately. Both parties are then monitored to ensure there are no further issues. |
When I have raised concerns about the school, they have been dealt with properly. | ||
Strongly Agree | Disagree | Don't know |
82% | 5% | 13% |
We aim to deal with any concerns effectively. We have a team of staff that manage concerns and we aim to deal with them as quickly as we can. Please remember durting a school day that most of our staff teach, so we cannot always get back to parents/carers immediately. All concerns are important to us as we need to ensure parents/carers/pupils are listened to and we will respond with how the concern is to be addressed. Most concerns are addressed by the class teachers in the first instance. Year 6, Phase 1 and 2 leaders can support if a concern needs raising further and then, if appropriate, the headteacher. | ||
My child has SEND and the school gives them the support they need to succeed. | ||
Strongly Agree | Disagree | Don't know |
11% | 1% | 2% |
86% responded that their child does not have SEND. The school works very hard to support children with SEND. Mrs Cole is our highly experienced SEND Lead. Please feel free to contact her to discuss any SEND support you feel your child needs. We hold termly SEND review meetings to ensure staff and parents/carers are up to date and Mrs Cole meets (along with the class teachers) with parents/carers to discuss pupil progress, their needs, targets, next steps etc as part of our termly Parents' Evenings. Mrs Cole also liaises with many external agencies to seek additional support where appropriate and will support both parents/carers and children on pathways for diagnosis/support. |
School has high expectations for my children. | ||
Strongly Agree | Disagree | Don't know |
85% | 5% | 10% |
We have high expectations for all our pupils. We help children to be the best versions of themselves. We support children through the school curriculum, the wider curriculum and in all aspects of their life. We ensure we prepare the children to do their best in their SATS exams in Year 6. Our most recent results last year show that Glen Hills pupils achieved 19% above the National Average, which is outstanding. Greater Depth, SEND and Pupil Premium children also all performed well above National Average - see the results page for more information on this. We support children to be 'secondary school ready' so they are ready to leave Glen Hills prepared for their next steps in education. We have high expectations around all areas of the curriculum - see sporting, music maths success etc and, in addition, through our enrichment in all areas of the wider curriculum. We hold workshops and meetings such as the phonics workshops, multiplication and SATs evenings to support the children by providing all the details to parents/carers on how they can also support their children to achieve their very best. | ||
My child does well at this school. | ||
Strongly Agree | Disagree | Don't know |
96% | 0% | 4% |
We aim for all children to reach their potential. We work hard to provide a broad and balanced curriculum that is tailored to the needs of our pupils. We aim to support all the children to do well. We don't view 'doing well' as just achieving high scores in exams, but also in joining in with all the many other aspects of school life - being a good friend, being part of the football team/e-sports team/choir, learning a musical instrument, being selected as a part in class assemblies, getting a lunchtime pompom or R2R sticker, achieving a Governor Award and so on. If you do not feel your child is doing well, or are unsure, please contact their teacher for more information. | ||
This school lets me know how my child is doing. | ||
Strongly Agree | Disagree | Don't know |
88% | 9% | 3% |
We offer a termly face to face Parents' Evening in the Autumn and Spring term to pass on information. On the website there is information on what every year group studies, and Knowledge Organisers for parents/carers to use to support their child. We also provide a February Spring Term Summary Report and an End of Year Report with this information on. Children are assessed throughout the year and we do standardised NTS tests from Year 2 upwards to assess the children against the National Curriculum, in addition to low stakes tests throughout the year. Also, we have an annual Phonics Screening Check in Year 1 where our children perform well against the National Average, a Multiplication Test in Year 4 and SATs in Year 6. These are all statutory tests where we inform parents/carers of how their children have performed. |
There is a good range of subjects available to my child at this school. | ||
Strongly Agree | Disagree | Don't know |
92% | 1% | 7% |
We have a very broad and balanced curriculum that is as ambitious as the National Curriculum. All National Curriculum subject areas are covered. We have an option to choose in some areas, such as modern foreign languages, where we teach French (at primary we are limited to teaching one language). The wider curriculum helps us cover other aspects such as Saint Days, religious festivals, culture days, charity day and so on. Our enrichment opportunities also add breadth to our curriculum; such as Egyptian Studies, History theme days, year group violins and African drumming, Cooking Club, Art Club, Media Club, Coding Club, ECO Team and much more. | ||
My child can take part in club activity at the school. | ||
Strongly Agree | Disagree | Don't know |
89% | 4% | 7% |
The clubs on offer at Glen Hills are extensive. We are unaware of any school that offers as many clubs as Glen Hills does over a year. We now offer over 60 clubs. Not every child will obviously get their first or second choice options first time round, but we do endeavour for them over the years to have access to as many clubs as possible. In addition, Glen Hills offers many activities such as Charity Day, Pink Day, annual pantomime, Magical Maths, author visits, musical shows, Science Week, Anti-Bullying Day, Safer Internet Day, History Day(s), British Values celebrations and so on. Please contact Mr Bolsover if you wish for your child to be considered for a club and you have not seen any communication about this and he can ensure they are offered a club in the next term. |
The school supports my child's wider personal development. | ||
Strongly Agree | Disagree | Don't know |
86% | 5% | 10% |
The school supports the children's wider personal development through all the extensive clubs and activities that are on offer as part of our wider curriculum. In addition to this, our personal development through our Route to Resilience programme is key, where children are supported to work on their character muscles and to become the best version of themselves they can be. For example, to work on their Bravery, Empathy, Focus, Cooperation and so on. For more information on this, please visit the Route to Resilience page on our website. We support children with music lessons, art clubs, a huge number of PE clubs, Geography clubs, Coding Club, Student Council, Sports Ambassadors, House Captains, Wellbeing Ambassadors, Cooking Club, Musical Theatre and so on to support their wider development. |
I would recommend the school to another person. | ||
Strongly Agree | Disagree | Don't know |
98% | 1% | 1% |
We feel very proud of Glen Hills and are pleased that 98% of you would recommend the school to another person! We're always here to listen when further improvements can be made and we try very hard to keep on improving the school year on year. |
Glen Hills Primary School
Featherby Drive
Glen Parva
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