Our approach is underpinned by our mission statement, 'Education Today for Tomorrow'. The opportunities we provide revolve around an atmosphere of individuality, creativity, enrichment and high standards throughout. We believe that the 'extras' are of key importance; we need to ensure that music, drama, sports and the wider curriculum engage and inspire pupils.
We can only achieve this with high standards of school identity, attitude to learning and behaviour; this is another aspect where we feel our pupils shine.
Simply click to view our Behaviour Policy and our Anti-Bullying Policy These link closely to our Routes to Resilience Programme and Happy Lunchtimes.
We aim to create a learning environment which is safe, predictable and transparent, from which children can develop a sense of independence and responsibility.
To minimise the potential for inappropriate behaviours to arise therefore, school routines, such as how pupils settle into the classroom in the morning, or enter the hall for assembly, as well as expectations of good table manners at lunchtime, are built into the school day in order to create a structure within which children can feel safe and secure.
Zones of Emotion and the Class Self Management plan are also used to help our children.
School Rules
Pupils are expected to work and play in a manner that is sensible, caring and thoughtful. To support this, our Student Council worked with the children of the school to create a set of indoor and outdoor rules which provide clear guidelines for children's behaviour and which ensure consistency across the school.
School Rules (Indoor)
School Rules (Outdoor)
Through the application of these rules, we aim to develop children's sense of responsibility and character and to instill in our children the need to consider consequences of words or actions.
Reward System
Children behave appropriately when they feel good about themselves and others, when they have good models to follow, when they achieve success and when they are valued. Rewards are therefore an important way in which the school focuses on desired behaviours.
We recognise and reward positive behaviour through:
Behaviour which may lead to one of these rewards includes:
Whilst most children behave well, there are occasions when we need sanctions. In every classroom, there is a Behaviour Management system and the School Rules are clearly visible around school. See Behaviour Policy for further information on how behaviour is managed in school.
At lunchtimes, our Lunchtime Teachers deal with any minor behaviour issues using strategies agreed as part of our Happy Lunchtimes approach.
Glen Hills Primary School
Featherby Drive
Glen Parva
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